Are you looking for 2025-2026 kindergarten information?? Please visit our kindergarten page HERE to find out what schools offer kindergarten, how to register, and how to register for transportation.
Save the date of April 16, 2025 to go to the Acme Hall and meet potential employers or learn about post-secondary programs.
Dear Parents and Guardians, We are notifying you that PowerSchool, Golden Hills School Division’s third-party student information system, informed school divisions/districts they had a data breach incident…
The Tools for School Program for the Kneehill area will be in operation again for the 2024-2025 school year. The Tools for School program is made possible by generous community donations, sponsors, volunteers…
Acme School Education Report 2023-2024 Please read through the 3 year Assurance Plan guiding Acme School and feel free to call the Acme School Office with any questions or comments.
Alberta Education is renewing school curriculum. On March 29, 2021, Minister of Education, the Honourable Adriana LaGrange released the draft Kindergarten to Grade 6 curriculum, which is available for…